Proven Leadership Through Challenging Times

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Opportunity for ALL Students

Quality Education with Fiscal Responsibility

Strong Property Values
Why Re-Elect Ogletree, Ryan, & Covey?
Because Ogletree, Ryan & Covey Make CFISD #1
Under their stewardship, CFISD has provided strong academic programs that drive students to their educational goals. A wide variety of extra-curricular opportunities are available. Highly acclaimed programs including our New Arrival Centers to transition non-English speaking students into classrooms, our College Academy partnership with Lone Star College-CyFair, our Summer camps for enrichment, full-day Pre-K, and a STEM Academy for Automation, Robotics and Computer Science are available. Graduates are prepared for their future whether it’s in the workforce with marketable certificates in their career choices, it’s in college classrooms or it’s in military service.
Because Ogletree, Ryan, & Covey are Fiscally Conservative
In the last 10 years, the tax rate has been lowered from $1.45 to $1.3356. They maintained our 20% Optional Homestead Exemption in addition to the state mandated $25,000 exemption. The CFISD bond rating of AA from Fitch, Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s was also preserved. Two bond elections, $1.2B in 2014 and $1.7B in 2019, for new facilities to accommodate student growth, new support facilities, new site purchases, necessary renovations and additions on existing campuses, security enhancements, technology and bus purchases were passed. In addition, starting salaries for teachers increased from $45,250 to $58,500. All staff received raises for nine years in a row. AND residents enjoy a lower tax rate.
Meet Ogletree, Ryan, & Covey

Dr. John Ogletree
I am running because of my strong passion for public schools and how they shape the lives of children for success. Though I have served 5 terms …
I am running because of my strong passion for public schools and how they shape the lives of children for success. Though I have served 5 terms, I believe I can continue to make a noticeable difference in our district. I am fully committed to “Opportunity for All” because I believe all children can learn and should be given the opportunity regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, disability, religion, language, sexual orientation, family background or socio-economic status.
- Married 48 years to high school sweetheart Evelyn, former teacher and counselor. Four children graduated from CFISD schools and are college graduates. All are married. 13 grandchildren, five attending CFISD schools.
- BA in Government from University of Texas at Arlington and a Doctor of Jurisprudence from South Texas College of Law
- Co-Founder and Senior Pastor of First Metropolitan Church
- Served on the CFISD Board since 2004, served in all officer positions
- TASB Master Trustee
- Honoree @ CFISD 75th Anniversary Celebration
- 2015 TASA State Honor Board of the Year
- Hired both Dr. David Anthony and Dr. Mark Henry
- CFISD Global Volunteer, Reader, Mentor and Bus Buddy

Mr. Don Ryan
I have been a part of a team that has guided our district through some difficult times and unprecedented growth. We’ve dealt with …
I have been a part of a team that has guided our district through some difficult times and unprecedented growth. We’ve dealt with hurricanes, floods, ice storms, and a pandemic while remaining one of the top tier public school districts in the nation. I want to continue to be a part of the team that expects excellence in education and provides opportunity for all students to be successful in their future endeavors.
- Lived in Cy-Fair community for 50 years and graduated from Cy-Fair High School
- Married 35 years to Julie. Three children graduated from Cy-Fair High School. Two are college graduates and youngest is a senior in college. Two oldest are married. One grandchild.
- BBA from University of North Texas
- Insurance Agent and Health Insurance Marketplace Circle of Champions 2019-2021
- Served on the CFISD Board since 2000, served in all officer positions
- Honoree at CFISD 75th Anniversary Celebration
- 2002 and 2015 TASA State Honor Board of the Year
- Hired both Dr. David Anthony and Dr. Mark Henry
- CFISD Global Volunteer, Reader, Mentor, and Bus Buddy

Mr. Bob Covey
We have accomplished much during my board tenure. Programs like JA Inspire to help 8th graders understand career paths …
We have accomplished much during my board tenure. Programs like JA Inspire to help 8th graders understand career paths, summer camps to bridge learning gaps, New Arrival Centers to transition non-English speaking students to regular classrooms, and the College Academy offering college courses so both a high school diploma and an associate’s degree can be earned create “Opportunity for All.” I want to continue to be an advocate for students and the programs that create their success.
- Married 48 years to Kathleen, retired 30+ year elementary teacher. Three sons and one of three daughters-in-law graduated from CFISD schools and all are college graduates. Seven grandchildren, five attending CFISD schools.
- BS in Music Education from Texas State University and teacher for three years
- Worked in management and sales at American Alloy Steel for 40 years
- Served on the CFISD Board since 2005, served in all officer positions
- Founder and President of Go Public Gulf Coast
- TASB Board Officer and Master Trustee
- 2015 TASA State Honor Board of the Year
- Hired Dr. Mark Henry
- CFISD Global Volunteer, Reader, Mentor, and Bus Buddy